Pace of Loan Modifications Drops Off
The number of completed loan modification by mortgage giant Freddie Mac fell again in January according to the agency’s recently released Monthly Volume Summary. […]
The number of completed loan modification by mortgage giant Freddie Mac fell again in January according to the agency’s recently released Monthly Volume Summary. […]
The nation’s mortgage lenders completed fewer loan modifications in December than in November according to HOPE NOW, the voluntary, private sector alliance of mortgage servicers, investors, mortgage insurers and non-profit counselors. […]
The total number of loan modifications completed by Fannie Mae increased from November to December but fell slightly short of 2012’s totals according to the agency’s Monthly Summary report for December 2013. […]
Despite a sizeable drop from November to December, mortgage giant Freddie Mac still completed 19.6 percent more loan modifications in 2013 than in 2012 according to the agency’s recently released Monthly Volume Summary. […]
The number of homeowners in need of a loan modification continued to dwindle in November according to HOPE NOW, the voluntary, private sector alliance of mortgage servicers, investors, mortgage insurers and non-profit counselors. […]
Mortgage giant Freddie Mac posted a slight increase in completed loan modifications from October to November but that was more than enough to surpass last years totals according to the agency’s recently released Monthly Volume Summary. […]
Fannie Mae posted a five percent decline in completed loan modifications in November according to the agency’s Monthly Summary report for November 2013 while delinquency rates continued to decline. […]
More homeowners received HAMP loan modifications in October but a larger decrease in proprietary loan modifications lead to an overall decline according to HOPE NOW, the voluntary, private sector alliance of mortgage servicers, investors, mortgage insurers and non-profit counselors. […]
The number of loan modifications completed by Fannie Mae increased by over eleven percent in October according to the agency’s Monthly Summary report for October 2013 while single-family delinquency rates hit a five year low. […]